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zmc partner

       大家好,我是小编,今天我要和大家分享一下关于zmc partner的问题。为了让大家更容易理解,我将这个问题进行了归纳整理,现在就一起来看看吧。


zmc partner


       [先说:既然是要“解读”,自然是有褒有贬。所以,豪迷切莫激动- -有些地方例子较多只举一例]




       小豪的胆子是怎么练的我还真是莫名其妙。当赛车出现危险情况时,他总是奋不顾身地去救。那行为绝对算得上勇敢了。(就是有点有勇无谋- -b)一个四年级的小孩敢在黑夜独自在东京跑来跑去,不谓胆大可就真的没词了。











































       *典型案例:(讲完小烈也该讲讲车子了)绝不让珠美老师没收冲锋号(竟敢让老师满教室跑,汗- -)。





       小豪做事通常欠考虑。幸亏有小烈看着、提醒他。(越来越稀奇这对兄弟是怎么生的- -)他往往做事不考虑后果,才会出现《四驱越野惊魂》中迷路那一段。




















       小豪是个很不安分的人。有小儿多动症的嫌疑- -当他情绪亢奋之时,一旦惹怒他,你不想与他吵他也要吵,非得出现突发性紧急事件才可以避免。(一家人的日子不好过啊……珠美老师的忍耐限度也真够可以了……)






       Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln ,1809-1865), the United States 16th president.

       February 12, 1809, Lincoln was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, a poor peasant family in his own words, his childhood was "a simple annals of the poor." As a child, he moved home to help fuel, water, to do farm work, and so on. Parents are the descendants of British immigrants, who make a living by farming and hunting. In 1816, the Lincoln family moved to southwestern Indiana, reclaiming land for a living. 9-year-old, Lincoln's mother died.

       A year later, his father and married a widow. Hard-working kind stepmother, ex-wife treated the children as a self. Lincoln also beloved stepmother, a family, live in harmony and happiness. As the family was poor, and Lincoln by the low level of education. In order to support the family, juvenile at the time of Lincoln had been on the Ohio River ferry workers, plantation workers, shopkeepers and carpentry. The 18-year-old, tall (1.93 meters) of the owner of a Lincoln for employment, and by the same people shun a flat-bottomed barge down the Ohio River, sailing thousands of miles to reach Orleans.

       This is the first time he came to a city with a population of 40,000. The road, Lincoln saw the black slaves suffered inhuman treatment. His partner, said: "I have had the opportunity to wait until the fight against slavery, I have to thoroughly crush it!" In 1830, the Lincoln family moved to Illinois to settle. Here, Lincoln started to live independently and was drafted into the army in 1832. Lincoln's soldiers a short period of time, veterans, local residents enthusiastic about the selection of the official activities of the Lincoln candidate for the state, but his initial campaign did not succeed.

       In the past 25 years, Lincoln do not have steady jobs, earn a living everywhere. As an adult, he became a local land surveying and mapping, measuring and calculating as a result of good, people are often invited to address the boundary dispute. In the hard work, Lincoln has always been a love of reading in young people, he read the night of flashing lights always late to very late. In his youth, Lincoln read the entire works of Shakespeare, read the "history of the United States", also read a lot of history and literature books. He through self-study to become a learned and full of wisdom. At a political rally for the first time he made a political speech. Since the attack black slaves, some in favor of the cause of the public suggested that Lincoln has been in the public influence, coupled with his outstanding character, and in 1834 he was elected state legislator.

       Two years later, Lincoln became a lawyer through self-study, soon to become the state legislature Whig party leaders. In August 1834, the 25-year-old Lincoln was elected state legislators to start his own political career at the same time the management of the countryside by the Post, also engaged in land surveying, and with the help of his friends into law. A few years later, he became a lawyer. In 1839, an awareness of Lincoln's daughter Malituode. She was 21 years old, well educated, beautiful and lively, and they married in November 1842, after the birth of son, 4. The state's accumulated experience in 1846, he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. In 1847, Lincoln as a Whig party representatives took part in the election of members of Congress, was a success, first came to Washington, DC. Before and after, on the slavery debate, the United States has become a major event in the political life. In this dispute, Lincoln has become increasingly opposed to slavery and who. He believes that slavery should be attributed to the ultimate eradication, first in Washington should be the abolition of slavery. Southern plantation owners on behalf of the interests of slavery and those who are opposed to the Lincoln crazy. In 1850, his master forces of the United States increased from the Lincoln National Assembly, to continue to be a lawyer.

       In 1854, his master sent into the southern part of the new Kansas into the United States, the use of force to impose slavery, the civil war led Kansas. This year, the establishment of the Republican Party, joined the Lincoln and participating in the 1856 Republican vice presidential candidate, did not succeed. June 16, 1858, with Douglas in his election campaign speech entitled "Family disputes," the famous speech. He said: " 'split the House will not last'. (From" New Testament in the Bible, "" Gospel of Matthew "— — Editor's Note) I believe that our government can not endure permanently half free half of slavery. I do not expect the dissolution of the Federation I do not expect the collapse of a house, but I do expect it to stop secession. Or it will become all one thing or another become all things. "In the meantime, he and Douglas had a problem on slavery Debate. Lincoln believed that slavery should be abolished, but it must be through peaceful means to repeal. Although his campaign did not succeed this time, but greatly expanded its political influence.

       In 1860, Lincoln became the Republican presidential candidate, in November, announced the election to 2,000,000 votes was elected the 16th president of the United States, but his master in control of the 10 southern states, he did not receive a ballot paper. Lincoln was elected president of news, the United States rapidly expanding North-South conflict, adhere to the doctrine of slavery in the South to Lincoln's election as a disaster, the SC in Lincoln before the swearing-in from the union. In order to safeguard national unity, hair-trigger war. As the people of the United States system of universal suffrage, as the new president is elected, the country's smooth transfer of power to shape American tradition. This is only one of them a little exception, it appears in the March 1861 when Lincoln became president. In the March 4 inauguration of the day in the morning, the South sympathy for the people gathered in streets and lanes to spread gossip, hearsay or even have a deliberate attack assassin. Commander of the army has taken special precautions to send soldiers on both sides of Pennsylvania Avenue in the alert, also stationed near the parliament building of a battery. In fact, it was quiet. Lincoln was sworn in, escorted by cavalry to the White House, the president began to carry out their duties. But the war has been inevitable.

       Lincoln took office a month later on April 12, in the south of the federal army attacked a stronghold of the Government, the Civil War broke out. At the beginning of the war, the armed forces of the North does not play well in order to rapidly reverse the adverse situation on September 22, 1862, Lincoln issued a "preliminary Emancipation Proclamation." By the end of that year, Lincoln signed the revised "final liberation of the Declaration." He signed the document solemnly announced: "In my lifetime, has never signed the document at the moment than when he was more convinced of the justice." According to this Declaration, the United States legally abolished slavery.

       July 1, 1863, the armed forces in the south and north sides of Pennsylvania, Gettysburg was a crucial battle. North won the military, to benefit from this war situation in the north direction. In November 1864, Lincoln was elected president for the second time. After the election, Lincoln's great efforts to require both houses of Congress passed the 13th amendment to the Constitution — — declared slavery illegal. The historic amendment to the Constitution was adopted in the last year. April 1865 the evening of 14, Lincoln Theater in Washington, Ford's assassination. May 4, Lincoln was buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery. Lincoln led the American people to safeguard national unification and the abolition of slavery, for the development of capitalism swept away the obstacles and promote the development of the history of the United States, more than a century, the American people be respected. Marx once evaluation of Lincoln: "He is a great state reached and still maintain their quality of the rare characters. The best moral and noble person was modest as a result, only when he became a martyr to fall, The world discovered he was a hero. "

       Lincoln was the great American democracy politicians. He was born in low-rise community with a hard-working, frugal, humble and sincere character. After entering the White House, on issues such as slavery, political strife occurred in the country more divided, have encountered many difficulties. In their daily work, regardless of his personal security, a day out of a lot of time meeting with the masses, listen to the complaints, make every effort to solve their problems. During his tenure, due to a variety of reactionary forces, the policy has been shaken and hesitant, but in the people's support and encouragement, to go with the historical tide and eventually signed the famous "Emancipation Proclamation" (Emancipation Proclamation), At that time, the United States to address the socio-economic and political life of the principal contradiction. In a four-year civil war, he personally commanding operations. The federal government with the leadership of the farms in the southern slave owners have waged a resolute struggle to safeguard national unification, and firmly push forward the development of American society. Lincoln in April 15, 1865 assassination. As the Lincoln in the history of the United States played the role of the progress, people praised him as "a new era of rulers of the country as a model."

       Abraham Lincoln was the 16th U.S. president, is the world's greatest historical figure, led the federal rescue and the end of slavery in the great struggle. People remember his integrity, mercy, and a strong personality, he has been a history of the United States most admire one of the president. Although he only had a little frontier in primary education, public service experience and few, however, his keen insight and deep sense of humanitarian, the United States made him the greatest president.


       1809.2.12, birthday

       1818(9 years old), the mother die.

       1831(22 years old), go into business the failure.

       1832(23 years old), the election state the councilman fail to be elected.

       At the same year(23 years old), the work threw.Want to study in the law school, but did not get the admission.

       1833(24 years old), borrow money to go into business toward the friend.

       At the end of at the same year, again bankrupt.Connect down, he spends 16 years to just repay fully the obligation.

       1834(25 years old), again campaign the state councilman, won this time.

       1835(26 years old), will soon get married after betroth, the fiancee died.

       1836(27 years old), the complete breakup of spirit, lies sick in bed six months.

       1838(29 years old), fight for become the state councilman of spokesman- have no successfully.

       1840(31 years old), fight for becoming the voter- fail to be elected.

       1843(34 years old), attend the national legislature election- failed to be elected again.

       1846(37 years old), attend the national legislature election again- won an election this time.Go to Washington's special area, express can the turn can order.

       1848(39 years old), look for the parlia****rian to serve another term, failure.

       1849(40 years old), think the work that serves as the land bureau chief in oneself's state, encounter the brush-off.

       1854(45 years old), campaign the American senator, fail to be elected.

       1856(47 years old), fight for the nomination of the vice-president in Republican party- get 100 of the ticket shortage.

       1860(51 years old), win an election the American president.Become one of the greatest presidents in American history.

       好了,今天关于“zmc partner”的探讨就到这里了。希望大家能够对“zmc partner”有更深入的认识,并且从我的回答中得到一些帮助。