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大众汽车广告曲_大众汽车广告曲,英文,女的唱的 _大众汽车广告曲,英文,女的唱的










       这是大众汽车国内首支品牌形象广告于2004年通过各地媒体呈现给广大观众。这支由德国大众、一汽大众和上海大众三家联手推出的大众汽车品牌形象广告,音乐采用全球炙手可热的演唱组合HANSON的《I will come to you》,而导演是曾经荣获多项大奖的好莱坞导演DanMintz。

       下载地址 /UploadFile/2006-10/2006102116565070513.mp3

       I will come to you

       When you have no light to guide you

       And no one to walk to walk beside you

       I will come to you

       Oh I will come to you

       When the night is dark and stormy

       You won"t have to reach out for me

       I will come to you

       Oh I will come to you

       Sometimes when all your dreams

       may have seen better days

       And you don"t know how or why, but you"ve lost your way

       Have no fear when your tears are fallin"

       I will hear your spirit callin"

       And I swear I"ll be there come what may

       When you have no light to guide you

       And no one to walk to walk beside you

       I will come to you

       Oh I will come to you

       When the night is dark and stormy

       You won"t have to reach out for me

       I will come to you

       Oh I will come to you

       Cause even if we can"t be together

       We"ll be friends now and forever

       And I swear that I"ll be there come what may

       When the night is dark and stormy

       You won"t have to reach out for me

       I will come to you

       Oh I will come to you

       We all need somebody we can turn to

       Someone who"ll always understand

       So if you feel that your soul is dyin"

       And you need the strength to keep tryin"

       I"ll reach out and take your hand.

       I"ll reach out and take your hand.

       When you have no light to guide you

       And no one to walk to walk beside you

       I will come to you

       Oh I will come to you

       When the night is dark and stormy

       You won"t have to reach out for me

       I will come to you

       Oh I will come to you


       i will follow him

       I will follow him 我愿跟随他

       Follow him wherever he may go 跟随他,不论他去那儿,

       And near him I always will be 也要永远跟在他左右,

       For nothing can keep me away 没有任何力量可以把我与他分开,

       He is my destiny 他是我的依归。

       I will follow him 我愿跟随他,

       Ever since he touched my heart I knew 从他触及我的心开始,我就知道,

       There isn't an ocean too deep, a mountain so high 没有任何一个深海, 一座高山

       It can keep, keep me away, away from his love 可以将我阻挡, 阻挡在他的爱之外。

       I love him, I love him, I love him 我爱他,我爱他,我爱他,

       And where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow 不论他去何方,我愿跟随,我愿跟随,

       I'll follow him 我愿跟随他

       Follow him wherever he may go 跟随他天涯海角

       There isn't an ocean too deep 没有任何高山深海

       A mountain so high it can keep, Keep me away 可以阻挡,将我阻挡。

       You will follow him (follow him) 你将跟随他

       Follow him wherever he may go 天涯海角紧跟随

       There isn't an ocean too deep (too deep) 水再深,

       A mountain so high it can't keep 山再高, 都无法阻挡我们

       Keep us away, away from his love 阻挡在他的爱之外。

       Oh, yes, I love him (I'll follow) 是的,我爱他(我愿跟随)

       I'm gonna follow him (true love) 我愿跟随他(真爱)

       He's always be my true love (forever) 他永远是我的挚爱(永远)

       From now until forever (I love him) 从现在到永远(我爱他)

       Yes I love him (I'll follow)------------ 是的,我爱他(我愿跟随)




       Love him, I love him, I love him

       And where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow



       I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go

       There isn't an ocean too deep

       A mountain so high it can keep me away





       I must follow him, ever since he touched my hand I knew

       That near him I always must be

       And nothing can keep him from me

       He is my destiny





       I love him, I love him, I love him

       And where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow

       He'll always be my true love, my true love, my true love

       From now until forever, forever, forever







       I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go

       There isn't an ocean too deep

       A mountain so high it can keep, keep me away

       Away from my love






       I love him, I love him, I love him

       And where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow

       He'll always be my true love, my true love, my true love

       From now until forever, forever, forever






       I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go

       There isn't an ocean too deep

       A mountain so high it can keep, keep me away

       Away from my love






       Do-do do-do-do do-do-do and where he goes

       I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow

       I know I'll always love him




       请问大众汽车的广告歌曲叫《I Will Come To You》。

       《I Will Come To You》是美国创作型乐队Hanson在1997年推出首张专辑《Middle Of Nowhere》中的一首歌曲。大众汽车国内首支品牌形象广告片的音乐采用的便是这首歌。


       I Will Come To You


       When you have no light to guide you


       And no one to walk to walk beside you


       I will come to you,Oh I will come to you


       When the night is dark and stormy


       You won't have to reach out for me


       I will come to you,Oh I will come to you


       Sometimes when all your dreams may have seen bad days


       And you don't know how or why, but you've lost your way


       Have no fear when your tears are fallin'


       I will hear your spirit callin'


       And I swear I'll be there come what may


       'Cause even if we can't be together


       We'll be friends now and forever


       And I swear that I'll be there come what may


       When the night is dark and stormy


       You won't have to reach out for me


       I will come to you,Oh I will come to you


       We all need somebody we can turn to


       Someone who'll always understand


       So if you feel that your soul is dyin'


       And you need the strength to keep tryin'


       I'll reach out and take your hand




       Hanson在1997年推出首张专辑《Middle Of Nowhere》(初生之犊),首支主打单曲MMMBop一推出后更登上了Billboard单曲榜冠军,而Hanson的名气顿时在美国暴涨十倍不止,成为家喻户晓的年轻创作团体。

       Hanson的首张专辑《Middle Of Nowhere》於1997年4月以首周空降美国专辑排行榜第13名的惊人之势在乐坛激起一片涟漪。各大主流传媒皆沉醉於他们音乐作品中的青春活力,他们的歌曲在各大电台随之获得极高的点播率,而媒体一致给予他们的正面评价,也为年纪轻轻的他们在往后的音乐发展过程中打了一剂强心针。

       百度百科-I will come to you









       填 词:李若君

       谱 曲:林俊杰

       Lamando Lamando 去追逐

       Lamando 请欢呼


       来自昼夜交界的第一天 光线照亮了地平线

       世界躺在你的脚边 骄傲的 诞生了

       放纵自己 踏出的第一步 速度带来高温热度

       海 空 陆地都被征服 完胜战 挡不住

       Lamando 请欢呼


       学会拥抱未知的第一秒 无限 是你最大极限

       眼前 再辽阔的世界 都很好 都去闯

       写下未来脚本的第一页 对话 像对自己喊话

       故事 为过去下总结 可以的 没在怕

       披上荣耀 披上魅力的战袍 披上骄傲 魅力战袍

       Lamando 是赢的速度


       Lamando(披上荣耀 披上骄傲 披上魅力的战袍)

       请欢呼(披上荣耀 披上骄傲 披上魅力的战袍)

       呜…呜…喔…(披上荣耀 披上骄傲 披上魅力的战袍)

       呜…呜…啊~(披上荣耀 披上骄傲 披上魅力的战袍)

       披上荣耀 披上骄傲 披上魅力的战袍

       披上荣耀 披上骄傲 披上魅力的战袍



       一汽大众捷达广告背景音乐:So Beautiful

       歌名:So Beautiful






       summer nights and shinning lights

       we're floating together,as light as a feather

       climbing high, like satellites

       looking over the ocean to hearts in slow motion

       with every single beat, it's taking over me

       just like the rhythm of the perfect melody

       oh oh it's so beautiful

       oh oh it's a beautiful light

       oh oh it's so beautiful

       oh oh it's a beautiful light

       water floats, between my tones

       we're standing together, on the edge of forever

       I'm dream

       I'm dream


       I"ll see

       I"ll see

       looking over the ocean to hearts in slow motion

       with every single beat, it's taking over me

       just like the rhythm of the perfect melody

       oh oh it's so beautiful

       oh oh it's a beautiful light

       oh oh it's so beautiful

       oh oh it's a beautiful light

       sometimes I wake up and feel like the world's on my shoulders

       I know it's only for a while, don't let it take over me

       oh oh it's so beautiful

       oh oh it's a beautiful light

       oh oh it's so beautiful

       oh oh it's a beautiful light

       beautiful so beautiful

       beautiful so beautiful

       beautiful so beautiful

       beautiful so beautiful

       beautiful so beautiful

       beautiful so beautiful

       You are beautiful 这首歌是英国歌手詹姆斯·布朗特(James Blunt)在其于2005年8月23 日发行的专辑《Back to Bedlam》中的主打歌曲。歌词My life is brilliant.我的人生缤纷灿烂

       My love is pure.我的爱如此纯真

       I saw an angel.因为我见过天使

       Of that I m sure.对此,我深信不疑

       She smiled at me on the subway.她在地下铁上对着我微笑

       She was with another man.虽然身边伴着另一个男人

       But I won t lose no sleep on that,但我可不会为此辗转难眠

       Cause I ve got a plan.因为我已有心理准备

       You're beautiful. You re beautiful.你就是这么美 你就是这么美

       You're beautiful, it s true.你就是这么的美 这是千真万确

       I saw your face in a crowded place,我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸

       And I don t know what to do,这令我不知所措

       Cause I ll never be with you.因为我和你永远无法相依

       Yeah, she caught my eye,是啊,我视线被她占据

       As we walked on by.在我们擦身而过的瞬间

       She could see from my face that I was,她应该可以从我的神情看出

       Flying high,我无限喜悦

       And I don t think that I ll see her again,我想,我将再也见不到她

       But we shared a moment that will last till the end.但我们共享了永恒的片刻

       You're beautiful. You re beautiful.你就是这么美 你就是这么美

       You're beautiful, it s true.你就是这么的美 这是千真万确

       I saw your face in a crowded place,我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸

       And I don t know what to do,这令我不知所措

       Cause I ll never be with you..因为我和你永远无法相依

       You're beautiful. You re beautiful.你就是这么美 你就是这么美

       You're beautiful, it s true.你就是这么的美 这是千真万确

       There must be an angel with a smile on her face, 她的脸上有天使一般的微笑

       When she thought up that I should be with you.当她也想到我们应该在一起时

       But it s time to face the truth,但该是面对事实的时候了

       I will never be with you. 我和你永远无法相依
