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back in time_dive back in time

佚名 2024-05-22 人已围观


back in time_dive back in time

       您好,很高兴能为您介绍一下back in time的相关问题。我希望我的回答能够给您带来一些启示和帮助。



3.It was like stepping back in time 2000 years的成分划分?


back in time_dive back in time


       《Dive Back In Time》。

       《Dive Back In Time》是白鲨JAWS于2021年4月17日发行的单曲,也是动画《时光代理人》TV片头曲,收录于专辑《时光代理人动画原声带》。


       It didn't take too long to realize

       Something has changed in the back of my mind

       Your eyes

       There ain't nowhere left to hide behind

       Time no longer flew like it was

       When the flash froze everything before

       Without you

       I don't know if I could take this road

       Chase you to the end of the world

       Just to say your name once more

       If I had only got it right before

       Every minute that I dialed back in time

       Every single existence rewinds

       Something secretive hidden inside

       Your mind

       All the heartaches and the smiles never faded

       I know you'll be by my side when we make it

       Come back from the dive back in time

       Dive dive

       Dive back in time

       Dive dive

       Dive back in time

       Dive dive

       Dive back in time

       Here's to all the mistakes I never made

       All the twists and turns I'm always late to

       My fate

       If it ain't for your misguided taste

       I'd turn out so ordinary

       Fabulously un-addictively bore out my own brain

       Hey out of my way

       Every minute that I dialed back in time

       Every single existence rewinds

       Something secretive hidden inside

       Your mind

       All the heartaches and the smiles never faded

       I know you'll be by my side when we make it

       Come back from the dive back in time

       Dive dive

       Dive back in time

       Dive dive

       Dive back in time

       Dive dive

       Dive back in time

       Well don't you feel sorry

       I'll love where I'm going now

       Cuz I'm about to lose my

       Cuz I'm about to lose my

       Cuz I'm about to lose my mind

       Every minute that I dialed back in time

       Every single existence rewinds

       Something secretive hidden inside

       Your mind

       All the heartaches and the smiles never faded

       I know you'll be by my side when we make it

       Come back from the dive back in time

       Dive dive

       Dive back in time

       Dive dive

       Dive back in time

       Dive dive

       Dive back in time





























































It was like stepping back in time 2000 years的成分划分?

       1. 《Back To the Future》(回到未来)的英文简介

        Marty McFly, a typical American teenager of the Eighties, is accidentally sent back to 1955 in a plutonium-powered DeLorean "time machine" invented by slightly mad scientist. During his often hysterical, always amazing trip back in time, Marty must make certain his teenage parents-to-be meet and fall in love - so he can get back to the future.。

2. 求回到未来三部曲英文剧情介绍

        1.back to the future (1985)In the life of Marty McFly, all is not well. His family is dysfunctional, his school punctuality is questionable and the music he likes and plays is just too darn loud. His one true light is his girlfriend Jenny and his one true friend is the somewhat off-kilter Doctor Emmett Brown. In a request from Doctor Brown, Marty meets the mad scientist and discovers that his friend has built a time machine out of a DeLorean. From there, Marty's humdrum life bees literally a blast from the past as he is transported to 1955. A stranger in a strange yet familiar land, Marty must seek out Doctor Brown to help send him back to his own time while simultaneously ensuring that his parents meet and fall in love.2.back to the future part ii (1989) With Marty McFly's parents back together and back in his own time of 1985. He thought that his ordeal of time traveling was over. What he does not know is that it was just the beginning. As Dr. Emmett L Brown says that he has to e to the future with him. Marty and his girlfriend Jennifer e with Doc to the year 2015 where his future family is about to enter turmoil when Marty's son Marty Jr. is about to be in a robbery, Marty and Doc formulate a plan to prevent the robbery from taking place, as they succeed in their mission Marty buys a book called "Grey's Sports Almanac" which is a futuristic sports statistics book. When Doc throws it away, former school bully named Biff Tannen picks it up and discovers about Doc's time machine. Biff then steals the time machine. When he brings it back and Doc and Marty with his girlfriend Jennifer go back to 1985, things were not right. Then both Marty and Doc realize that Biff altered time, Biff is rich, and married to Marty's mother Lorainne. The only way to prevent this from happening, Marty and Doc have to go to 1955, to steal the Almanac from Biff. 3.back to the future part iii (1990) Stranded in 1955 after a freak burst of lightning, Marty must travel to 1885 to rescue Doc Brown from a premature end. Surviving an Indian attack and unfriendly townsfolk, Marty finds Doc Brown the black *** ith. But with the Doc under the spell of the charming Clara Clayton, it's up to Marty to get them out of the wild west and back to the future.。

3. 《回到未来3》最后博士对马丁说的话(要英文+中文翻译)

        我还以为见不到你了,博士!(Doc, I thought I'd never see you again!)

        时间是永恒的(You can't keep a good scientist down)

        我也得回来看看你们大家,(After all,I had to e back for Einstein)


        我不要你为我担心。(and I didn't want you to be worried about me.)

        我带了件纪念品给你(I brought you a little souvenir. )

        太好了,博士。谢谢。(It's a great,Doc.Thanks.)

        布郎博士?我从未来带回来的字,都消失了。(Dr.Brown? I brought this note back from the future, and now it's erased.)

        它当然会消失!(Of course it's erased!)

        这是什么意思?(But what does that mean?)

        这就说明你们的未来还没决定呢。(It means your future hasn't been written yet. No one's has.)

        每一个人的未来全靠自己去奋斗,(Your future is whatever you make it )

        就能创造出一个美好的未来。(So make it a good one,both of you.)

        再见,博士。(We will,Doc.)

        再见啦!好了,孩子们,我们走吧!(Stand back!All right,boys,buckle up!)


        你现在去哪?是去未来吗?(Where you going now? Back to the future?)

        不。已经去过啦。(Nope.Already been there.)

4. 回到未来三部曲




        母亲洛莲十分保守死板,而父亲乔治则懦弱无能,常受上司贝夫的欺负。 但布朗博士的一次实验改变了一切。

        在试验布朗博士发明的时间机器时,博士不幸被恐怖分子杀害,而马丁则在逃命时驾着时间机器从1985年回到了1955年。 马丁遇见了30年前的父亲乔治和一直在欺负乔治的贝夫。

        由于马丁代替了乔治被洛莲父亲的车撞倒,他还遇上了少女时代的洛莲并被她追求。 马丁设法找到了30年前的布朗博士,想出了利用闪电能量回到“未来”的方法。

        但为了防止自己消失,马丁还得让乔治和洛莲相识并且恋爱。 马丁想方设法让乔治与洛莲接近,但贝夫却总是出来搅局。




        而马丁在狂喜之余的热情演奏也对音乐的发展起了重大作用。 在祝福了乔治和洛莲之后,马丁匆匆赶紧往钟楼去见布朗博士。


        而博士也因为读了马丁留下的信而采取了预防措施,从恐怖分子的枪下幸免于难。 马丁悄然回到家中。



        他告诉马丁和珍妮他们的孩子在未来遇上了麻烦。 马丁还没来得及从时间旅行中缓过劲来,就又和珍妮一起被拖上了改良后的时间机器飞向未来。

        评论: 此片获1985年最佳原着剧本等四项奥斯卡奖的提名,这出由史蒂芬史匹柏制作的**,除了愉悦的剧本、热门的主题曲(Huey Lewis/The Power Of Love)、顶尖的卡司外,还充满了许多令人莞尔的小惊奇,笑料与特效出现在每一个场景。 值得一提的是,克里斯多夫洛伊在片中出饰一个疯狂的科学家,他生动杰出的演技,带动了整部片的气氛。



        经过一场滑板大战,他使格里夫一伙自食恶果,避免了儿女的灾难,但却被老贝夫发现了时间机器的秘密。 珍妮被送到了30年后的家里,目睹了马丁30年后的生活。

        就在博士和马丁寻找珍妮时,老贝夫偷用了时间机器。 博士和马丁回到1985年,却发现城市已成了人间地狱, 贝夫成了大富翁, 控制了一切。

        马丁和博士明白了是老贝夫捣的鬼。 马丁来到贝夫那里, 探问出了贝夫获得未来出版的体育年鉴的时间。

        在逃过贝夫的追杀后, 马丁和博士又一次回到1955年, 去修正被改动了的历史。 马丁和博士在1955年为了改回历史而奔忙。



        贝夫再一次尝到了苦头。马丁烧毁了年鉴, 使历史恢复了正常。


        在倾盆大雨中,马丁收到了一封博士从70年前寄来的信。 马丁知道了博士无恙,但却无法离开1955年。



        马丁无意间发现在1885年的博士在寄信后不久就将被杀,于是又乘着时间机器赶往1885年。 马丁成功抵达,但油箱却不慎破损。


        博士得知了将要发生的事情并准备和马丁一起回到未来,但油箱的破损却使时间机器无法行驶到所需的速度。 博士想出了利用火车的方法,并在实地勘测时救下了女教师克丽,两人一见钟情。


        在返回未来的前一天夜里,博士去与克丽告别。 在克丽的追问下,博士说出了时间旅行的秘密,却被克丽误解。


        马丁弄醒博士后想逃之夭夭,但博士却落入了邓彪福的手里。 马丁急中生智,。


       It was like stepping back in time 2000 years. 恍若时光倒流了2000年。2000 years在这里起副词作用,是省略了介词for,It was like stepping back in time for 2000 years. 这种用法其实很常见,比如:He stayed there 3 days. 他在那里停留了3天(3 days前省略了for)。There will be a party the evening of her birthday. 她生日那天晚上将会有一个聚会(the evening前省略了on)。

       back time




       Hidden conflicts whose roots lie far back in time



       Then, as you go back in time on the second page, you can go into less detail, giving just the highlights and how they connect to the rest of your career. “


       好了,今天关于“back in time”的探讨就到这里了。希望大家能够对“back in time”有更深入的认识,并且从我的回答中得到一些帮助。