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business costs

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business costs

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       6 Different Pricing Strategies: Which Is Right for Your Business?

       It’s no secret that small businesses play a vital role in the US economy. However, most non-employer small businesses average just $44,000 a year in annual revenue, with many of these companies earning $25,000 or less. While various factors can affect a business’ revenue potential, one of the most important is the pricing strategy utilized by its owners.

       Good pricing strategy helps you determine the price point at which you can maximize profits on sales of your products or services. When setting prices, a business owner needs to consider a wide range of factors including production and distribution costs, competitor offerings, positioning strategies and the business’ target customer base.

       While customers won’t purchase goods that are priced too high, your company won’t succeed if it prices goods too low to cover all of the business’ costs. Along with product, place and promotion, price can have a profound effect on the success of your small business.

       Here are some of the various strategies that businesses implement when setting prices on their products and services.

       1. Pricing at a Premium

       With premium pricing, businesses set costs higher than their competitors. Premium pricing is often most effective in the early days of a product’s life cycle, and ideal for small businesses that sell unique goods.

       Because customers need to perceive products as being worth the higher price tag, a business must work hard to create a value perception. Along with creating a high-quality product, owners should ensure their marketing efforts, the product’s packaging and the store’s décor all combine to support the premium price.

       2. Pricing for Market Penetration

       Penetration strategies aim to attract buyers by offering lower prices on goods and services. While many new companies use this technique to draw attention away from their competition, penetration pricing does tend to result in an initial loss of income for the business.

       Over time, however, the increase in awareness can drive profits and help small businesses to stand out from the crowd. In the long run, after sufficiently penetrating a market, companies often wind up raising their prices to better reflect the state of their position within the market.

       3. Economy Pricing

       Used by a wide range of businesses including generic food suppliers and discount retailers, economy pricing aims to attract the most price-conscious of consumers. With this strategy, businesses minimize the costs associated with marketing and production in order to keep product prices down. As a result, customers can purchase the products they need without frills.

       While economy pricing is incredibly effective for large companies like Wal-Mart and Target, the technique can be dangerous for small businesses. Because small businesses lack the sales volume of larger companies, they may struggle to generate a sufficient profit when prices are too low. Still, selectively tailoring discounts to your most loyal customers can be a great way to guarantee their patronage for years to come.

       4. Price Skimming

       Designed to help businesses maximize sales on new products and services, price skimming involves setting rates high during the introductory phase. The company then lowers prices gradually as competitor goods appear on the market.

       One of the benefits of price skimming is that it allows businesses to maximize profits on early adopters before dropping prices to attract more price-sensitive consumers. Not only does price skimming help a small business recoup its development costs, but it also creates an illusion of quality and exclusivity when your item is first introduced to the marketplace.

       5. Psychology Pricing

       With the economy still limping back to full health, price remains a major concern for American consumers. Psychology pricing refers to techniques that marketers use to encourage customers to respond on emotional levels rather than logical ones.

       For example, setting the price of a watch at $199 is proven to attract more consumers than setting it at $200, even though the true difference here is quite small. One explanation for this trend is that consumers tend to put more attention on the first number on a price tag than the last. The goal of psychology pricing is to increase demand by creating an illusion of enhanced value for the consumer.

       6. Bundle Pricing

       With bundle pricing, small businesses sell multiple products for a lower rate than consumers would face if they purchased each item individually. Not only is bundling goods an effective way of moving unsold items that are taking up space in your facility, but it can also increase the value perception in the eyes of your customers, since you’re essentially giving them something for free.

       Bundle pricing is more effective for companies that sell complimentary products. For example, a restaurant can take advantage of bundle pricing by including dessert with every entrée sold on a particular day of the week. Small businesses should keep in mind that the profits they earn on the higher-value items must make up for the losses they take on the lower-value product.

       Inflation: What Is Inflation?Printer friendly version (PDF format)Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. It is measured as an annual percentage increase. As inflation rises, every dollar you own buys a smaller percentage of a good or service.

       The value of a dollar does not stay constant when there is inflation. The value of a dollar is observed in terms of purchasing power, which is the real, tangible goods that money can buy. When inflation goes up, there is a decline in the purchasing power of money. For example, if the inflation rate is 2% annually, then theoretically a $1 pack of gum will cost $1.02 in a year. After inflation, your dollar can't buy the same goods it could beforehand.

       There are several variations on inflation:

       Deflation is when the general level of prices is falling. This is the opposite of inflation.

       Hyperinflation is unusually rapid inflation. In extreme cases, this can lead to the breakdown of a nation's monetary system. One of the most notable examples of hyperinflation occurred in Germany in 1923, when prices rose 2,500% in one month!

       Stagflation is the combination of high unemployment and economic stagnation with inflation. This happened in industrialized countries during the 1970s, when a bad economy was combined with OPEC raising oil prices.

       In recent years, most developed countries have attempted to sustain an inflation rate of 2-3%.

       Causes of Inflation

       Economists wake up in the morning hoping for a chance to debate the causes of inflation. There is no one cause that's universally agreed upon, but at least two theories are generally accepted:

       Demand-Pull Inflation - This theory can be summarized as "too much money chasing too few goods". In other words, if demand is growing faster than supply, prices will increase. This usually occurs in growing economies.

       Cost-Push Inflation - When companies' costs go up, they need to increase prices to maintain their profit margins. Increased costs can include things such as wages, taxes, or increased costs of imports.

       Costs of Inflation

       Almost everyone thinks inflation is evil, but it isn't necessarily so. Inflation affects different people in different ways. It also depends on whether inflation is anticipated or unanticipated. If the inflation rate corresponds to what the majority of people are expecting (anticipated inflation), then we can compensate and the cost isn't high. For example, banks can vary their interest rates and workers can negotiate contracts that include automatic wage hikes as the price level goes up.

       Problems arise when there is unanticipated inflation:

       Creditors lose and debtors gain if the lender does not anticipate inflation correctly. For those who borrow, this is similar to getting an interest-free loan.

       Uncertainty about what will happen next makes corporations and consumers less likely to spend. This hurts economic output in the long run.

       People living off a fixed-income, such as retirees, see a decline in their purchasing power and, consequently, their standard of living.

       The entire economy must absorb repricing costs ("menu costs") as price lists, labels, menus and more have to be updated.

       If the inflation rate is greater than that of other countries, domestic products become less competitive.

       People like to complain about prices going up, but they often ignore the fact that wages should be rising as well. The question shouldn't be whether inflation is rising, but whether it's rising at a quicker pace than your wages.

       Finally, inflation is a sign that an economy is growing. In some situations, little inflation (or even deflation) can be just as bad as high inflation. The lack of inflation may be an indication that the economy is weakening. As you can see, it's not so easy to label inflation as either good or bad - it depends on the overall economy as well as your personal situation.


       通货膨胀率:什么是通货膨胀?打印机友好版本( PDF格式)通货膨胀的定义是持续增加的一般水平的商品和服务的价格。它是衡量一个年度增加的百分比。通货膨胀上升,每1美元购买了你自己的所占比例较小的产品或服务。

       价值的美元不留常数时,通货膨胀。价值一美元的角度观察的购买力,这是真实的,有形货物,金钱可以买到。当通货膨胀率上升,有下降的货币购买力。例如,如果通货膨胀率为2 %的年增长率,那么在理论上一元包口香糖将花费1.02美元,在一年内。扣除通货膨胀后,您的美元也买不到同样的商品可以提前。



       恶性通货膨胀是异常迅速的通货膨胀。在极端情况下,这会导致崩溃的一个国家的货币制度。其中最突出的例子恶性通货膨胀发生在德国于1923年,当价格上涨了2500 % ,在一个月!


       近年来,大多数发达国家试图保持通货膨胀率为2-3 % 。



       需求拉动通货膨胀-这种理论可以概括为: “太多的钱追逐太少的商品” 。换句话说,如果需求增长速度超过供应,价格将有所增加。这通常发生在经济增长。



       几乎所有人都认为通货膨胀是邪恶的,但它并不一定是这样。通货膨胀的影响不同的人以不同的方式。它也取决于是否通货膨胀预期或意料之外。如果通货膨胀率相对应的是大多数人预计(预计通货膨胀) ,那么我们就可以补偿的成本不高。例如,银行可以改变其利率和工人可以谈判的合同,其中包括自动工资上涨的物价水平上升。





       整个经济必须吸收重的费用( “菜单成本” ) ,作为价格表,标签,菜单和更多的更新。




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