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       伊莎贝拉·瑟蒙(Isabella Sermon),2006年7月8日出生于英国伦敦,英国女演员。

       2018年6月15日,参演科幻**《侏罗纪世界2》。伊莎贝拉·瑟蒙(Isabella Sermon)出生于2006年7月8日。她是一个纯粹的英国女婴。因为出生在伦敦 她还有3个兄弟姐妹,1男2女。

       伊莎贝尔才华横溢,从小就对表演感兴趣。得到父母的支持是件好事。甚至从伦敦飞到纽约。在演艺界追求梦想 运气站在她这边。当她被选为侏罗纪世界:堕落王国的关键人物之一本杰明洛克伍德的孙女梅西洛克伍德死时。

       尽管梅西洛克伍德的角色是她的第一部**表演。但她的表现如此出色,得到了观众和评论家的一致好评。**上映后 然后取得了巨大的成功 她以 13.1 亿美元的收入赢得了人们和媒体的关注。包括著名的 YouTube 频道 Flickering Myth 的成功 这让伊莎贝拉期待她有机会在续集中继续扮演梅西洛克伍德的角色,她今天的梦想成真了。


       Emily Bront? (1818 - 1848) - pseudonym Ellis Bell

       Perhaps the greatest writer of the three Bront? sisters - Charlotte, Emily and Anne. Emily Bront? published only one novel, WUTHERING HEIGHTS (1847), a story of the doomed love and revenge. The sisters also published jointly a volume of verse, POEMS BY CURRER, ELLIS AND ACTON BELL. Only two copies of the book was sold.

       --'Heatcliff had knelt on one knee to embrace her; he attempted to rise, but she seized his hair, and kept him down.

       --"I wish I could hold you," she continued bitterly, "till we were both death! I shouldn't care what you suffered. I care nothing for your sufferings. Why shouldn't you suffer? I do! Will you forget me? Will you be happy when I am in the earth? Will you say twenty years hence, 'That's the grave of Catherine Earnshaw. I loved her long ago, and was wretched to lose her; but it is past. I've loved many others since: my children are dearer to me than she was; and at death, I shall not rejoice that I am going to her: I shall be sorry that I must leave them! Will you say so, Heatcliff?"

       --"Don't torture me till I am as mad as yourself," cried he, wrenching his head free, and grinding his teeth."'

       (from Wuthering Heights)

       Emily Bront? was born in Thornton, Yorkshire, in the north of England. Her father, the Rev. Patrick Bront?, had moved from Ireland to Weatherfield, in Essex, where he taught in Sunday school. Eventually he settled in Yorkshire, the centre of his life's work. In 1812 he married Maria Branwell of Penzance. Patrick Bront? loved poetry, he published several books of prose and verse and wrote to local newspapers. In 1820 he moved to Hawort, a poverty-stricken little town at the edge of a large tract of moorland, where he served as a rector and chairman of the parish committee.

       The lonely purple moors became one of the most important shaping forces in the life of the Bront? sisters. Their parsonage home, a small house, was of grey stone, two stories high. The front door opened almost directly on to the churchyard. In the upstairs was two bedrooms and a third room, scarcely bigger than a closet, in which the sisters played their games. After their mother died in 1821, the children spent most of their time in reading and composition. To escape their unhappy childhood, Anne, Emily, Charlotte, and their brother Branwell (1817-1848) created imaginary worlds - perhaps inspired by Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726). Emily and Anne created their own Gondal saga, and Bramwell and Charlotte recorded their stories about the kingdom of Angria in minute notebooks. After failing as a paiter and writer, Branwell took to drink and opium, worked then as a tutor and assistant clerk to a railway company. In 1842 he was dismissed and joined his sister Anne at Thorp Green Hall as a tutor. His affair with his employer's wife ended disastrously. He returned to Haworth in 1845, where he rapidly declined and died three years later.

       Between the years 1824 and 1825 Emily attended the school at Cowan Bridge with Charlotte, and then was largely educated at home. Her father's bookshelf offered a variety of reading: the Bible, Homer, Virgil, Shakespeare, Milton, Byron, Scott and many others. The children also read enthusiastically articles on current affairs and intellectual disputes in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Fraser's Magazine, and Edinburgh Review.

       In 1835 Emily Bront? was at Roe Head. There she suffered from homesickness and returned after a few months to the moorland scenery of home. In 1837 she became a governess at Law Hill, near Halifax, where she spent six months. Emily worked at Miss Patchet's shdoll - according to Charlotte - "from six in the morning until near eleven at night, with only one half-hour of exercise between" and called it slavery. To facilitate their plan to keep school for girls, Emily and Charlotte Bront? went in 1842 to Brussels to learn foreign languages and school management. Emily returned on the same year to Haworth. In 1842 Aunt Branwell died. When she was no longer taking care of the house and her brother-in-law, Emily agreed to stay with her father.

       Unlike Charlotte, Emily had no close friends. She wrote a few letters and was interested in mysticism. Her first novel, Wuthering Heights (1847), a story-within-a-story, did not gain immediate success as Charlotte's Jane Eyre, but it has acclaimed later fame as one of the most intense novels written in the English language. In contrast to Charlotte and Anne, whose novels take the form of autobiographies written by authoritative and reliable narrators, Emily introduced an unreliable narrator, Lockwood. He constantly misinterprets the reactions and interactions of the inhabitants of Wuthering Heights. More reliable is Nelly Dean, the housekeeper, who has lived for two generations with the novel's two principal families, the Earnshaws and the Lintons.

       Lockwood is a gentleman visiting the Yorkshire moors where the novel is set. At night Lockwood dreams of hearing a fell-fire sermon and then, awakening, he records taps on the window of his room. "... I discerned, obscurely, a child's face looking through the window - terror made me cruel; and, finding it useless to attempt shaking the creature off, I pulled its wrist on the broken pane, and rubbed it to and fro till the blood ran down and soaked the bedclothes: still it wailed, "Let me in!" and maintained its tenacious gripe, almost maddening me with fear." The hands belong to Catherine Linton, whose eerie appearance echo the violent turns of the plot. In a series of flashbacks and time shifts, Bront? draws a powerful picture of the enigmatic Heathcliff, who is brought to Heights from the streets of Liverpool by Mr Earnshaw. Heathcliff is treated as Earnshaw's own children, Catherine and Hindley. After Mr. Earnshaw's death Heathcliff is bullied by Hindley and he leaves the house, returning three years later. Meanwhile Catherine marries Edgar Linton. Heathcliff 's destructive force is unleashed. Catherine dies giving birth to a girl, another Catherine. Heathcliff curses his true love: "... Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest, as long as I am living! You said I killed you - haunt me then!" Heathcliff marries Isabella Linton, Edgar's sister, who flees to the south from her loveless marriage. Their son Linton and Catherine are married, but the always sickly Linton dies. Hareton, Hindley's son, and the young widow became close. Increasingly isolated and alienated from daily life, Heathcliff experiences visions, and he longs for the death that will reunite him with Catherine.

       Wuthering Heights has been filmed several times. William Wyler's version from 1939, starring Merle Oberon as Cathy and Laurence Olivier as Heathcliff, is considered on of the screen's classic romances. However, the English writer Graham Greene criticized the reconstructing of the Yorkshire moors in the Conejo Hills in California. "How much better they would have made Wuthering Heights in France," wrote Greene. "They know there how to shoot sexual passion, but in this Californian-constructed Yorkshire, among the sensitive neurotic English voices, sex is cellophaned; there is no egotism, no obsession.... So a lot of reverence has gone into a picture which should have been as coarse as a sewer." (Spectator, May 5, 1939) Luis Bun?uel set the events of the amour fou in an arid Mexican landscape. The music was based on melodies from Tristan and Isolde by Richard Wagner.

       "Sleep not, dream not; this bright day

       Will not, cannot last for aye;

       Bliss like thine is bought by years

       Dark with torment and with tears."

       (from 'Sleep not', 1846)

       Emily Bront? died of tuberculosis in the late 1848. She had caught cold at her brother Branwell's funeral in September. After the appearance of Wuthering Heighs, some skeptics maintained that the book was written by Branwell, on the grounds that no woman from such circumscribed life, could have written such passionate story. In 1848 Charlotte and Anne visited George Smith to reveal their identity and to help quell rumors that a single author lay behind the pseudonyms. After her sisters' deaths, Charlotte edited a second edition of their novels, with prefatory commentary aimed at correcting what she saw as the reviewers' misunderstanding of Wuthering Heights. The complex time scheme of the novel had been taken as evidence by the critics, that Emily had not achieved full formal control over her narrative materials. However, her model in layering narrative within narrative may have been Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818). Emily's refusal to reduce ambiguity to simplistic clarity did not have any immediate influence on the novel form until Wilkie Collins experimented with multivocal first-person narratives in such works as The Woman in White (1860) and The Moonstone (1868).

       For further reading: The Bront?'s Web of Childhood by Fannie Ratchford (1941); The Genesis of Wuthering Heights by Mary Visick (1965); Their Proper Sphere by Inga-Stina Ewbank (1966); The Artist as Free Woman by S. Davies; The Bront?s and Their Background by Tom Winnifrith (1973); Myths of Power by Terry Eagleton (1975); The Art of Emily Bront?, ed. by A. Smith (1976); Bront?s of Haworth by Brian Wilks (1986); Emily Bront? by Stevie Davies (1988); Emily Bront?: Wuthering Heights by U.C. Knoepflmacher (1989); The Bront?s by Juliet Barker (1994), Wuthering Heights by Maggie Berg (1996); Critical Essays on Emily Bront?, ed. by Tom Winnifrith (1997); The Birth of Wuthering Heights by E. Chitman (1998); Emily Bront? by S. Vine (1998) - see also biographies by Lyn Pykett (1990) and W. Gérin (1971) - Museums and places to visit: Bront? Society and Bront? Parsonage Museum, Haworth, Keighley; Bront? Way - a forty mile walk in four section to sites associated with the Bront?s; Oakwell Hall County Park, Nutter Lane, Birstall - house features as "Fieldhead" in Charlotte's Shirley; The Red House Museum, Oxford Rd, Gomersal, Cleckheaton - House appears as "Briarmains in Charlotte's Shirley; Wuthering Heights Walk, a six mile walk to Top Withins, the setting for Wuthering Heights.



       WUTHERING HEIGHTS, 1847 - Humiseva harju - films: 1939, dir. by William Wyler, written by Ben Hecht, Charles MacArthur; 1953: (Abismos de pasión / Cumbras borrascosas), dir. by Luis Bu?uel; 1970: dir. by Robert Fuest; 1992: dir. by Peter Kosminsky, starring Juliette Binoche, Ralph Fiennes, Janet McTeer, Sophie Ward, Simon Shepherd

       LEGENDS OF ANGRIA, 1933 (collection, with Anne and Charlotte Bront?)

       GONDAL'S QUEEN, 1955



        伊莎贝拉·瑟蒙(Isabella Sermon),2006年7月8日出生于伦敦,英国女演员。



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       **很好看,最后恐龙和人类达成了完美的生态平衡(ecological equilibrium)。六部曲就这样结束挺好的。追逐戏精彩,大场面多,出场恐龙种类够多,情怀也管够。老三人组,老霸王龙的戏份是足的(在结尾和南方巨兽龙认真打了一架,镰刀龙也参战了,霸王龙有小手手,镰刀龙有大手手),只是出场角色太多,**时间短,不可能面面俱到,让所有角色粉都满意。我对《侏罗纪公园Jurassic Park》《终结者The Terminator》和《蜘蛛侠Spider-Man》是真的有童年滤镜,只要继续拍我就会去看,并在观看时选择性忽略剧情中大部分的逻辑漏洞。看见荧幕上依然活跃的他们,我就会回忆起小时候的暑假,爸爸妈妈,西瓜,橘子汽水,焦糖爆米花,夜场**结束后影院外清爽的空气,教室里挤在一起讨论剧情的同学们,一想到这些就忍不住热泪盈眶。

       演员们都很可爱。反派大老板Lewis Dodgson真的很像Tim cook。Claire Dearing红发雀斑的造型很像罗琳原著中的金妮·韦斯莱(Ginny Weasley),或者说像莉莉·伊万斯(Lily Evans),对家人朋友很忠诚,颜值惊艳,同时战斗力超强。伊莎贝拉·瑟蒙(Isabella Sermon)太太太可爱了,小脸粉粉的,圆鼓鼓的。女飞行员Kayla Watts一身肌肉很帅,很多人认为这个人物太单薄了,我倒是觉得这个人物可挖掘的地方很多,后续可以塑造成女版汉·索洛(Han Solo),或者无超能力的哈尔·乔丹(Hal Jordan)。Kayla Watts和黑帮的Soyona Santos戏份太少,我没看过瘾,她俩都可以继续拍外传,还能圈一波钱。迪辰·拉克曼(Dichen Lachman)的金发造型不如在《人生切割术》里的黑发造型好看。影片中,多次出现恐龙突然冒头,主角们躲在障碍物后面,恐龙在咫尺之遥的地方闻来闻去就是没发现主角们同时也不肯离开的情节,观众也跟着屏息凝神,这种感受很有老三部曲那味儿了。

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